The noir film follows a young boy named Yeon Kyoo who hopes to escape from the hellish reality. However, he encounters the middle boss named Chi Gun of an organization and enters the world filled with danger. The rookie actor Hong Sa Bin will play Yeon Kyoo, the 18-year-old boy who dives into the tough adult world of in order to break away from his hopeless life. He previously starred in independent films, A Leave and Save Me, and is expected to show a wide spectrum of acting from a little boy to someone who falls apart in front of the harsh reality in the upcoming movie. Song Joong Ki will take on the role of Chi Gun, the middle boss who has faith in Yeon Kyoo and leads him through the way. He will exude his overwhelming charisma through the characterŌĆÖs icy yet unexpected heart-warming personality. BIBI will star as Ha Yan, the younger sister of Yeon Kyoo who always stay strong amid the tragic reality. Reports say that she got the role through a very competitive audition. Starring as the little girl named Eun Hee in Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming, this time, BIBI will show a new side of her with her strong female character. The movie began its filming on September 13th. Song Joong Kim shared this thoughts about the film, saying, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm grateful to be part of the project. IŌĆÖm also thrilled as it will be a new challenge to me. IŌĆÖm looking forward to the remaining shootings with the director and other actors.ŌĆØ Source: Megabox Plus M

Song Joong Ki  BIBI and Hong Sa Bin to Star in a New Noir Film - 76