In an interview with a media outlet, Im Si Wan expressed his feelings about finishing Run On. ┬Ā Q1. How do you feel? Run On was a project where such good people gathered and put a lot of effort. I think it was a meaningful experience for me because I felt those precious hearts and sympathized with the viewers. I hope it remains a small but comforting drama for everyone who is having a hard time. Q2. What did you prepare the most for the work? I pondered a lot about harmonically expressing Seon GyeomŌĆÖs innocence and the tasty words written in the script. He is a person who is okay around people and knows how to make witty jokes. His unintentional questions are just so pure that they might embarrass other people, but such things shouldnŌĆÖt portray him as a social misfit. These two characters contradict each other, so I think it took longer for me to agonize than any other script. Q3. Your chemistry with Shin Se Kyung certainly stood out. Some even commented, ŌĆ£The two must be dating.ŌĆØ Se Kyung had this aura that it was a bit difficult for me to approach her at first. But as I got to know her, she turned out to be really easy-going and smart that my first perception completely shattered. I challenged various attempts through this project, and Se Kyung responded so well every time. Thanks to her, I acted with full trust in her in a comfortable atmosphere. Also, ŌĆ£Mi JooŌĆØ created by Se Kyung was just so lovely that I got to focus more on her character, creating good chemistry. I guess thatŌĆÖs why people are saying that. Q4. The standard you follow when choosing your work. Ā It changes every time. Sometimes itŌĆÖs about the message within the project or the fellow actors. Sometimes I choose the work because the story itself is incredible. These days, my personal desire to work on a project that positively influences society has grown. So there is a conflict between that desire and the professionalism as an actor to work on a good project without hesitation. Q5. How is Im Si Wan when it comes to love? I think the other person will know more about my love style. In my opinion, I have both straightforward and shy tendencies, and these parts are quite similar to Seon Gyeom. Seo Gyeom is a person who is closer to the ŌĆ£correct answerŌĆØ when it comes to love, so I think I would have learned a lot from this drama. Q6. What genre or project do you want to try in the future? You looked great in military uniform during your mandatory service that some fans are asking for a military genre. Military? IŌĆÖll think about it (laughs). Personally, I remember the parody of ŌĆ£CandyŌĆØ in episode 14, and it was real fun playing Anthony, who wears a fedora and has a cigar in his mouth. If I were given a chance, I would like to challenge the historical drama where I would put on such outfits. Source (1)

 Run On  Actor Im Si Wan Says He Acted with Full Trust in Shin Se Kyung - 26 Run On  Actor Im Si Wan Says He Acted with Full Trust in Shin Se Kyung - 24 Run On  Actor Im Si Wan Says He Acted with Full Trust in Shin Se Kyung - 90 Run On  Actor Im Si Wan Says He Acted with Full Trust in Shin Se Kyung - 34