The Producers, which heated up the small screen in 2015, revolves around a tireless group of young TV producers and a pop star work who around the clock in the entertainment department of a major network named KBS. The show won rave reviews for its fresh attempt to shed a light on the behind-the-scenes of the broadcasting industry. It also became popular with the star-studded cast including Cha Tae Hyun, Gong Hyo Jin, Kim Soo Hyun, and IU. The epic cameos and the romantic relationship between the four leads became big talks among drama fans until its finale. So, without further ado, letŌĆÖs have a look at the three key takeaways of ŌĆśThe Producers,ŌĆÖ which is still regarded as one of the most entertaining and touching TV drama series. ┬Ā

1. A Drama That Shows Behind the Scenes of What Happens on Various Variety Shows

The Producers begins by following a rookie producer-director named Baek Seung Chan (Kim Soo Hyun) on his way to work. Baek Seung ChanŌĆÖs story as a new employee is illustrated in a fake documentary format. The format is borrowed from KBSŌĆÖ long-running program Documentary 3 Days, where the camera keeps a close coverage of the person. When Baek Seung Chan is saddled with a task to notify all cast members of the variety show that they were kicked off, the camera captures his flustered expression and occasionally interviews him on how he feels. After a tough day at work, Baek Seung Chan goes to bed dreading the next day. In his sleep, he has a nightmare where he appears as a guest on the talk show named Hello Counselor. On top of that, his senior scolds him for bad performance, saying, ŌĆ£You are the x-men (spy) from Running Man, arenŌĆÖt you?ŌĆØ Like this, The Producers actively employs popular entertainment shows that are familiar to the viewers. This method has the power to make the viewers instantly understand the characterŌĆÖs situation and emotions without laying out detailed descriptions. Also, each episode has titles that reflect on the difficulties that the broadcasting team encounters regularly, such as ŌĆśUnderstanding Editing,ŌĆÖ ŌĆśUnderstanding Canceled Broadcasts,ŌĆÖ and ŌĆśUnderstanding Previews.ŌĆÖ ┬Ā

2. Life of a Pop Star and the Dark Side of the Entertainment Industry

Cindy (IU) is a famous singer who has kept her crown for 10 years since her debut when she was 13 years old. Although her life seems glamorous on the outside, she had to give up her family and friends for her career. In the scene where Cindy meets the trainees in her agency, she tells them, ŌĆ£If you are hungry, order delivery food and eat it somewhere you can dodge a security camera. And if possible, just give up and go homeŌĆØ. This advice was, in fact, what Cindy wanted to tell her younger self. She knows that her agency uses her for fame and money and that the network only needs her because they want higher viewership ratings. One day, Cindy gets to escape from her responsibilities due to an accident. This episode depicts the dark side of the entertainment industry where one must make sacrifices for success. The fact that IU played Cindy adds special meaning to the character. IU also made her debut in her teens and has been much loved by the public since. No one could have portrayed Cindy better than IU. At the beginning of the show, Cindy was a typical fussy top star who has no friends. However, she matures throughout the show and received much love from the viewers. ┬Ā

3. The Love and Friendship Between Veteran Producers

Ra Joon Mo (Cha Tae Hyun), the showrunner of 2 Days & 1 Night, and Tak Ye Jin (Gong Hyo Jin), the producer of Music Bank, are old friends and colleagues in the same network. As they spend most of their time together, they know each other the best. They donŌĆÖt need big words of comfort after a tough day, as they can drink it off with a glass of beer. However, things get complicated for the two as they get to know their true feelings. The various emotions they feel and the relationship between the two are portrayed as a comedy or a tragedy. Sometimes, their romance is like a reality TV show, other times a scripted dialogue. They are unpredictable, as they constantly clash with each other yet resolve their issues the next day. They laugh and cry together as they show their complex emotions. Cha Tae Hyun and Gong Hyo Jin played key roles in the show as they brilliantly showcased the roller coaster ride of emotion. ┬Ā Editor Seo Hayne: I like actors as they faithfully lead through their long running-time. I also like idols who accomplish everything on stage within 3 minutes. Translator Changhyun Kim: Hello, K-pop, K-drama, and K-movie lovers! I will provide you with accurate and reliable Korean Entertainment news. ┬Ā

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