Jos├®e still chose to be released on Dec 10 even in the difficult times and is drawing steady responses from the audiences. In the film, Nam Joo Hyuk played the role of Young Seok, who shows special feelings towards Josee, and reunited with Han Ji Min. In the video interview conducted on Dec 7, Nam said, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖd be lying if I say that the original film didnŌĆÖt pressure me, but I had more expectations in the Jos├®e created by director Kim Jong Kwan. How he talked about taking the big frame but changing the inside came as a challenge for me, too. I wanted to construct the same ŌĆśdirectionŌĆÖ that the director wanted.ŌĆØ Another reason he chose to take part in the film is Han Ji Min. ŌĆ£When we filmed for The Light in Your Eyes, there werenŌĆÖt that many scenes where we appeared together that we never got to talk at a deeper level. But for Jos├®e, we got to have a deeper conversation for every scene. We talked more, and because we already worked together once before, we were able to immerse more quickly.ŌĆØ He didnŌĆÖt forget to lavish affectionate praises on Han Ji Min. ŌĆ£Ji Min is just so warm that I think people canŌĆÖt help but like her. She respects people and cares for her fellow actors. She always says she can do better, but she is an actor who has so much to learn from. I think these parts make you fall in love with her.ŌĆØ Young Seok is pure and kind, but he is also a person who is honest with his desires. And compared to Tsuneo from the original work, he is described as a more realistic person. ŌĆ£When I was playing Young Seok, my goal was to delicately capture the image of an ordinary young man that you can see in the neighborhood. I acted with the heart of normally and delicately showing a character like a documentary. When I saw the final work, I think the relations between Young Seok and Josee were melted in just as I expected and tried. I even thought that I performed the role of Young Seok without any regret.ŌĆØ Unlike the original film, the very moments of love and breakup between Young Seok and Josee are not clear. ŌĆ£Our film doesnŌĆÖt clearly list out the starting point of love and the breakup compared to the original film, but we do show the two in love. I think their farewell scene can be interpreted in various ways.ŌĆØ Finally, Nam Joo Hyuk said, ŌĆ£I try to become the character in every project. I do my best to solely immerse in the role. So I hope people see the character rather than me,ŌĆØ and added, ŌĆ£I hope Jos├®e becomes a special project that will remain in the audiencesŌĆÖ memories for a very long time.ŌĆØ Source (1, 2)

Nam Joo Hyuk Talks About Capturing the Ordinary Man in the Film  Jos  e  - 59Nam Joo Hyuk Talks About Capturing the Ordinary Man in the Film  Jos  e  - 77Nam Joo Hyuk Talks About Capturing the Ordinary Man in the Film  Jos  e  - 22Nam Joo Hyuk Talks About Capturing the Ordinary Man in the Film  Jos  e  - 28Nam Joo Hyuk Talks About Capturing the Ordinary Man in the Film  Jos  e  - 25