The actor played Kim Woo Sik, a member of the national sprinting team, who admires Ki Seon Gyeom (played by Im Si Wan). The comforting message Lee Jung Ha conveyed through Run On resonated within viewers. He managed to provide a positive influence remaining courageous for Ki Seon Gyeom whom he respected. ŌĆ£There are many similarities between Kim Woo Sik and me. Everyone has a hard time as they live on. Even in those times, Kim Woo Sik stays bright and positive,ŌĆØ he stated. Lee Jung Ha also continued saying that he also lives with the motto ŌĆśLetŌĆÖs smile even more as it gets harderŌĆÖ on his mind. ŌĆ£I gained a lot of good influences while playing the role of Kim Woo Sik. I think I became a more positive person than before. While our situations are different, the way he and I overcome difficulties are similar.ŌĆØ He is also told to have put a lot of effort into realistically depicting the character of a national sprinter. ŌĆ£I thought that my posture and appearance should not be clumsy. I watched and studied a lot of professional athletes in real life,ŌĆØ he explained. While acting, the actor says he focused on expressing Kim Woo SikŌĆÖs pains and wounds. ŌĆ£While he may seem bright on the outside, there exists pain within him. I wanted to portray those pains naturally, without over-exaggerating them. To understand Kim Woo Sik, I reflected upon myself a lot, and tried to empathize with him.ŌĆØ Lee Jung Ha also mentioned Im Si Wan, and how it was working with him. ŌĆ£Thanks to how considerate he was, we were able to get closer. And consequently, the bromance between Ki Seon Gyeom and Kim Woo Sik was captured well. He led me so well that I was able to get a lot of help in expressing Kim Woo SikŌĆÖs emotions. From Im Si Wan to Park Sung Joon, everyone on the Athletic Team took good care of me. My memories of the shooting are filled with joy and gratitude,ŌĆØ he said. When asked about the genre he would like to take part in the future, Lee Jung Ha said that he has been interested in history since he was young. ŌĆ£I would like to play a great historical figure. If I get to play such a role, I want to work really hard to illustrate their lives and achievements,ŌĆØ he described. Finally, he said that he ŌĆ£want[s] to be an actor who can give someone strength or comfort through acting.ŌĆØ He also mentioned that he was touched when the viewers of Run On told him that they were comforted thanks to Kim Woo Sik. ŌĆ£I want to learn more and improve to become an actor who demonstrates great acting,ŌĆØ he stated. ┬Ā Source (1)