She pointed out that the ŌĆśAutomatic contract renewal clauseŌĆÖ raised by WIP is a one-sided claim. ŌĆ£Last February, I exchanged a new contract with the WIP representative. Meaning, neither party did not agree to renew the prior contract automatically. In the new contract, in case the drama production fails to pay the actor the appearance fee, I added one condition to the deal, which states ŌĆśif any drama or movie production fails to pay the actor, the CEO will be held accountable.ŌĆÖ I firmly explained that it would be difficult to re-sign the contract if we fail to adopt the new arrangements. Although the CEO promised that he would look into the matter, I couldnŌĆÖt get hold of him anymore. I havenŌĆÖt received any statement of accounts or payroll since February. She also received a transaction receipt from the production company of Devil Judge but lost contact with the CEO of her agency. Regarding her being upfront on the matter, she explained, ŌĆ£There are many people in this industry facing the exact same situation that I do now. They canŌĆÖt speak up because they feel frightened of ruining their image. Now that their lips are sealed, the number of victims keeps growing. I wanted to stop it from happening.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source(1)

Kim Min Jung Speaks Up About the Conflict With Her Company - 81