Work Later, Drink Now has contributed to a significant increase in TVINGŌĆÖs subscriber base by attracting great interest from the viewers. Choi Si Won commented on the popularity of his latest series, saying, ŌĆ£It wasnŌĆÖt easy to feel the enthusiasm just by looking at the numbers. But when I saw people sharing posts and sending me pictures of our series, I felt like the show was receiving a lot of love. I was, and I am extremely grateful for that.ŌĆØ Choi Si Won received many favorable reviews for his transformation into Kang Book Goo. Regarding his character, Choi Si Won said, ŌĆ£Right when I was looking for a round, multi-dimensional character, I met Kang Book Goo. I was attracted to both his humorous and serious sides.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£In order to effectively convey what I felt about the character, I took extra time in preparing the character and how he sees the world,ŌĆØ shared Choi Si Won. As for his most memorable scene, the actor chose the scene where he comforted Lee Sun Bin. ŌĆ£There was a scene where So Hee (Lee Sun Bin) bursts into tears after mistaking Book Goo for her father. When he sees her crying, he pretends to be her father and gives her a warm hug. I loved the scene, and I felt like I was entirely in the role while acting.ŌĆ£ Choi Si Won also shared how welcoming the set was. He said, ŌĆ£The actors and the staff worked really well together. Everyone looked after themselves and knew what they had to do to respect and love one another.ŌĆØ Source (1) Translator Esther Lee: IŌĆÖll be providing you with up-to-date, reliable Korean entertainment news. Enjoy!

Choi Si Won Shares Closing Remarks for    Work Later  Drink Now    - 16Choi Si Won Shares Closing Remarks for    Work Later  Drink Now    - 16