K-pop Radar reported on the 17th, ŌĆ£On the day of the Grammys, the number of BTSŌĆÖs official Twitter followers increased 4.7 times compared to the previous day. Their ŌĆśDyanamiteŌĆÖ music video views also jumped by 2.3 times.ŌĆØ BTSŌĆÖs growth is an ongoing story. Starting as a Grammy award presented in 2019, this seven-member group had a joint performance the following year. This year, they won their first-ever Grammy nomination, raising the status of K-pop in the global market. The data about BTSŌĆÖs fandom, compiled at the time of the Grammy Awards, recorded significant changes. The ŌĆ£DynamiteŌĆØ music videoŌĆÖs daily views drew a steep upward graph, reaching 6.95 million views. It is an increase of 2.3 times compared to the previous day and the highest daily view count in 192 days since September 5 last year. ┬Ā Source (1)