A Model Family is a crime thriller series that follows an ordinary breadwinner who is on the verge of divorce and bankruptcy. After unwittingly stealing money from a cartel, a cash-strapped professor discovers that working as a drug courier is the only way to save his broken family.

In the tension-filled poster and trailer, the life of Dong HaŌĆÖs (played by Jung Woo) family plummets as he discovers and uses a load of cash in a mysterious vehicle. The trailer follows him needing money to get his son treated, and one day, he finds a car filled with cash and takes that money without thinking about what it would cost him. Unfortunately, the money belongs to Kwang Chul (Park Hee Soon), the second in command of a drug gang. He recruits Dong Ha to be his drug mule, and the trailer further includes a glimpse of Eun Joo (Yoon Jin Seo) supporting her family in place of her husband and Joo Hyun (Park Ji Yeon) investigating Kwang Chul. The four get intertwined with a bloody suitcase full of cash as they set out to get what they want. Kim Jin Woo, the showŌĆÖs creator, shared that he poured his heart and soul into making the show immersive and compelling. He said that he tried his best to render this story into a realistic fable rather than focusing on extreme fantasies or reality. To that end, he reportedly shot the show at dusk or dawn so that the cast could actually feel the vibe and tension surrounding them on set. A Model Family will premiere on August 12th. Source: Netflix

   A Model Family    Trailer  Jung Woo Walks Into Trouble By Stealing From a Drug Cartel - 94