tvNŌĆÖs The Devil Judge, premiering on July 3, is raising viewer expectations as it presents its unique settings Ādifferent from the existing courtroom dramas. The Devil Judge is a drama that delivers a message of justice through a live courtroom show in which the entire nation participates in a fictional dystopian Republic of Korea. LetŌĆÖs estimate what kind of work it will be through looking at the main characters. ┬Ā

Ji Sung (Kang Yo Han, Presiding Judge Of the Trial Court)

The enigmatic star judge. Behind his mysterious looks, Yo Han hides his hatred of all humankind. Having had a miserable childhood, he realizes that he could use human folly to manipulate them at his will. He wants to hunt down the greedy. After 10 years of suppressing his evil instincts and wearing the mask of a sincere and upright judge, he finally completes the stage of the public participation trial broadcasted live to the entire nation. However, Ga On gets in Yo HanŌĆÖs way to fight the battle to his heartŌĆÖs content. Ga On, who resembles him so much, bumps into him head-on and tries to stop his actions. ┬Ā

Kim Min Jung (Jung Sun Ah, Executive Director, Social Responsibility Foundation)

Jin Young (Kim Ga On, Seated Judge of the Demonstration Tribunal)

A popular judge with his own fan club. He has a rough side to his personality hidden behind his pretty face. When he was 16, his parents committed suicide after losing all their fortune to a pyramid fraud. As a result, he has an instinct to reject and distrust those in power who deceive the world. The same goes for Yo Han. Ga On enters the trial court to monitor and trace Kang Yo Han following orders of Justice Min Jeong Ho, his mentor whoŌĆÖs also a friend of his father. However, the closer he becomes to Yo Han, the more confused he gets, and he feels something is seriously off with the mission heŌĆÖs on. ┬Ā ┬Ā

Park Kyu Young (Yoon Soo Hyun, Wide-Area Detective)

Kim Ga OnŌĆÖs childhood friend. She likes Ga On, but she intentionally covers the feelings as a joke and acts as his big sister. Soo Hyun, who sticks to the principles, helps Ga On to follow Yo Han. The more she realizes his secret, the more startles she gets. She canŌĆÖt accept the process even if the wicked are being judged during that process. The problem is that Ga On is gradually getting caught up in the trap Yo Han set. ┬Ā Translator Cho EK: IŌĆÖm a big fan of Korean dramas and movies.

A Character Guide to a Courtroom Mystery  The Devil Judge  - 35A Character Guide to a Courtroom Mystery  The Devil Judge  - 26A Character Guide to a Courtroom Mystery  The Devil Judge  - 84A Character Guide to a Courtroom Mystery  The Devil Judge  - 79A Character Guide to a Courtroom Mystery  The Devil Judge  - 39